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We specialize in the treatment of all types of arthritis and joint conditions including a variety of other musculoskeletal, autoimmune, and connective tissue disorders. Our rheumatologists provide treatment and eduication of a wide range of rheumatologic disorders, including systemic lupus and vasculitis.


Our rheumatology expertise includes:



Our rheumatologists provide patient education and the latest treatments for all rheumatologic conditions including an Infusion Center for patients undergoing biologic therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, spondyloarthropathy, osteoporosis, vascultis, and systemic lupus.

We also provide Infusion therapy for non-rheumatologic disease states.

Dear RALI Patient


RALI physicians have done their best to evaluate the appropriate response to the Corona or Covid virus. We have been in communication with experts in rheumatologic diseases, immunity, and infectious diseases. At this time, there is still much not known about the extent of spread of the virus, or even what the symptoms may be. Most patients with symptoms will have some type of respiratory illness. Symptoms of respiratory illnesses may include cough, sore throat, fever, feeling flu like, sinus symptoms, or symptoms of an ear infection. A patient may have some or all of these symptoms. There are reports that patients with Covid or Corona virus may not have symptoms for several weeks. 


We want to maintain the safest possible environment at Rheumatology Associates. Through our phone appointment reminder system we are asking all patients who may have a respiratory infection to contact the office before coming in. If you have come to the office for a visit or for an infusion or injection with a respiratory infection, please discreetly advise the staff. They will notify your doctor, who will call you back. We are asking then that you leave the office after ensuring we have your correct contact information.  Your doctor will discuss your symptoms with you and decide next steps. We realize this may create some inconvenience and we sincerely apologize for that. We think this is the safest approach for all our patients and staff.  We will be as flexible as necessary to accommodate you with a rescheduled appointment. For more answers to your concerns, please ask to speak to the nurse manager on site. 

1200 South Avenue, Suite 307, Staten Island, NY   |   Ph: 718-698-3777   |   Fax: 718-698-8777   |   |   © 2015 Rights Reserved

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